Reduce cellulite safely, without surgery
Former personal trainers Kylie Read and daughter Maddy Farmer turned to Endermologie to help fight their clients cellulite.
Cellulite is a fact of life for most women, even those who are young, physically fit and mindful of their diet. Until now, the tell-tale ‘orange peel’ dimpling has proven to be virtually impossible to budge.
Before and After Endermologie
“As a personal trainer, I saw it all the time,” said Kylie Read, Director of Body Face Co. “It was so frustrating for my clients because they worked hard to be fit and healthy but despite their best efforts, the lumps and bumps remained. Even surgical procedures like liposuction do not get rid of cellulite.
Kylie started looking for a safe and effective way to deal with the problem. Her search led her to Endermologie. “It is gentle and non-invasive. The French company behind it (LPG Medical) has dozens of medical and scientific papers amassed over 30 years to support their technology. There are other technologies out there, but what women don’t often realise is that they either damage or kill the cells. LPG’s technology is no risk and has no side effects. In fact, their studies of connective tissue from treating serious skin conditions such as scars, fibrosis, lymphedema and burns has only emphasised the skin’s intrinsic ability to heal and recover.”
In 2016 Kylie and her daughter and business partner Maddy Farmer (also a qualified PT), travelled to France to the LPG Centre of Excellence for training. On their return they opened their clinic, Body Face Co.
“Being trained by LPG in France was an intense, immersive experience,” said Kylie. “But it has given us the skills and confidence to help our clients reduce the ‘orange peel’ in a way that we have not had before.”
Kylie said Endermologie helped reduce cellulite and tone the body in a way that was impossible with exercise alone. “Our treatments not only target cellulite but slim and tone at the same time. Our clients often come to us to target muffin tops, bottoms, thighs and ‘tuckshop lady’ arms, and when we work together, we get excellent results.”
But while Endermologie can reduce cellulite, it was only part of the solution.
Kylie consults with clients before every treatment plan because Endermologie was “not for everyone”. “It’s like a consultation we might have with a new personal training client. We know that the best results come when the client understands the role that exercise, sleep, water and good nutrition play in their results.
“For most women, the cellulite has been on their body for most of their adult life, so it is not going to magically disappear with a handful of treatments. I like to use the analogy of gym membership. You can’t do a six-week challenge, never exercise again, and expect to maintain your results. It’s just not realistic.”
Kylie said Body Face Co offered a partnership that no other Endermologie practitioners on the Coast had ever been able to. “Our clients know that Endermologie is a commitment and not a fast process for the majority of women, but it is incredibly rewarding to work with those who have made a commitment to self care and to see the results we achieve together.”
• Body Face Co is at 10 Capital Place Birtinya. Phone 5492 3172 or email for a Complimentary Endermologie Consultation.